From kidney and bladder procedures to prostate and office procedures, we provide the latest and most innovative operations for patients with urologic conditions requiring surgery. Our urologists are highly skilled in in the treatment of most urologic disorders and will treat your condition to ensure a safe and quick recovery. If you don’t see the procedure you’re looking for, feel free to contact us at (262) 446-3593 or request an appointment.
Prostate Procedures
Whether it’s transurethral incisions or UroLyft, Urology Associates uses the newest technology and methods to treat your urologic conditions. Our urologists are among the best when it comes to prostate procedures, and will diagnose and treat your disorder for a fast recovery.

Kidney Procedures
We specialize in treating disorders of the kidney, which includes performing kidney procedures such as nephrectomy, minimally invasive surgery, nephrolithotomy, and more.
Bladder Procedures
From cystoscopies to cystolithalopaxies, the urologists at Urology Associates provide extensive coverage for patients with severe bladder conditions. Our urologists use the most innovative and successful techniques in bladder operations to ensure a quick recovery.

Penis, Scrotal & Infertility
We provide the latest and best penis, scrotal, and infertility procedures for any reproductive condition.
Office Procedures
From urodynamics to testosterone procedures, we provide in-office procedures to ensure less travel time and greater efficiency. If your urologic condition only requires a minor procedure, many of them can be performed in the offices of Urology Associates.